Why Coalition Legal?

Why contribute to Coalition Legal? And why is Coalition Legal a good investment for your company?

Here’s why: Coalition Legal is a unique proposition in the legal community — a stand-alone project with a simple, repeatable product and a focused outcome. We help people expunge or seal eligible criminal records as authorized by Illinois law so they can re-integrate back into society and no longer live on its fringes. Our primary goal is to vastly expand this relief throughout Northern Illinois, an area in great need of this service.

There is an enormous untapped pool of people who are entitled to have their records sealed or expunged but do not have the funds for it, are afraid to ask for it, or do not know they are entitled to it. Fear, lack of funds and a lack of knowledge — issues all easily addressed. These individuals could have access to stable housing, but their past criminal records prevent it. They could become employed, or get a better job, but questions about past criminal convictions on the job application present yet another barrier. And they would be glad to pay taxes, but that won’t happen if they can’t get a job.

The reason to fund Coalition Legal, LLC is simple: You will help someone get a job, you will help someone gain access to stable housing, you will create another taxpayer in the community, and you will benefit from an increased pool of job candidates.

Your contribution is a win for you, a win for our clients, a win for society, and a win for our state and federal government.